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Courses Offered
CS Foundation
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Dinesh Wadera Professional Academy, Yavatmal provide exclusive coaching to 11th and 12th commerce students of State Board, CBSE and ICSE Students along with integrated package for CS Foundation. Its 2.5 years course. Following are the course details.


What is Company Secretary (CS) Course?

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India” (ICSI) is a premier National Professional body established by Act of Parliament to develop and regulate the Profession of Company Secretaries. ICSI imparts training in Company Secretaryship enabling students to qualify as Company Secretaries. Career as a Company Secretary is not only prestigious and financially rewarding but also carries with it a high level of job satisfaction. The student who would like to join the Course has to undergo three stages to pursue the Company Secretaries Course i.e.


CS Foundation Programme (4 Papers)

  1. Business Environment and Law

  2. Business Management, Ethics & Entrepreneurship

  3. Business Economics

  4. Fundamentals Of Accounting And Auditing


CS Executive Programme


  1. Jurisprudence, Interpretation & General Laws

  2. Company Law

  3. Setting Up Of Business Entities And Closure

  4. Tax Laws


  1. Corporate & Management Accounting

  2. Securities Laws & Capital Markets

  3. Economic, Business And Commercial Laws

  4. Financial And Strategic Management



CS Professional Programme New Syllabus – W.E.F. 1st September 2018


1. Governance, Risk Management, Compliances and Ethics

2. Advanced Tax Laws

3. Drafting, Pleadings and Appearances


4. Secretarial Audit

5. Corporate Restructuring

6. Resolution of Corporate Disputes


7. Corporate Funding & Listings in Stock Exchanges

8. Multidisciplinary Case Studies

9. Electives 1 Out Of Below 8 Subjects (The Examination for This Paper Will Be Open Book Examination)

9.1. Banking Law and Practice

9.2. Insurance Law and Practice

9.3. Intellectual Property Rights – Laws and Practices

9.4. Forensic Audit

9.5 Direct Tax Law & Practice

9.6 Labour Laws & Practice

9.7 Valuations & Business Modelling

9.8 Insolvency – Law and Practice


In addition, the student has to undergo Practical Training for about 15 months which a student may opt to start after passing the Executive Programme. 

CS Foundation Programme [4 papers]

( New Syllabus – w.e.f. 1st April 2017 )







The Company Secretary is:

  • An in-house legal expert; a compliance officer of the Company.

  • An expert in corporate laws, securities laws & capital market and corporate governance

  • Chief advisor to the board of directors on best practices in corporate  governance

  • Responsible for all regulatory compliances of company

  • Corporate planner and strategic manager

Role of a Company Secretary

A Company Secretary being multidisciplinary professional renders services in the following areas:

Corporate Governance and Secretarial Services

  • Corporate Governance Services

  • Corporate Secretarial Services

  • Secretarial/ Compliance Audit and certification Services

Corporate Laws Advisory and Representation Services

  • Corporate Laws Advisory Services

  • Representation Services

  • Arbitration & Conciliation Services

Financial Market Services

  • Public Issue, listing and Securities Management

  • Takeover Code, Insider trading, Mergers & Amalgamation

  • Securities Compliance and Certification Services

  • Finance & Accounting Services

  • Taxation Services

  • International Trade & WTO Services

Management Services

  1. General/ Strategic Management

  2. Corporate Communication and Public Relations

  3. Human Resources Management

  4. Information Technology


A qualified Company Secretary has openings in Employment and as Practising Independent Professional

Company Secretary in Employment

  • Company Secretary has been recognized as Key Managerial Personnel along with the Chief Executive Officer/managing director/manager, whole-time director and Chief Financial Officer. (section 203)

  • Being Key Managerial Personnel, Company Secretary is required to be mandatorily appointed in every company belonging to such class or classes of companies as may be prescribed.

  • As per the Rule 8 of Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, such prescribed class is every listed company and every other public company having a paid-up share capital of ten crore rupees or more shall have whole-time key managerial personnel.

  • Also as per Rule 8A, i.e. Appointment of Company Secretaries in companies not covered under rule 8.—A company other than a company covered under rule 8 which has a paid up share capital of five crore rupees or more shall have a whole-time company secretary.

  • Functions of the company secretary have been codified in the Companies Act, which include:-

    • to report to the Board about compliance with the provisions of this Act, the rules made there under and other laws applicable to the company;

    • to ensure that the company complies with the applicable secretarial standards;

    • to provide to the directors of the company, collectively and individually, such guidance as they may require, with regard to their duties, responsibilities and powers; and

    • to assist and advise the Board in ensuring good corporate governance and in complying with the corporate governance requirements and best practices ;

    • other specified functions


Company Secretary in Practice

Some of the important areas of recognition for Company Secretary in Practice include:

  • Pre-certification of e-forms;

  • Duty to report fraud;

  • Appointment as Administrator (Section 259);

  • Company Liquidators (Section 275);

  • Professional assistance to Company Liquidator (Section 291);

  • Qualifications of Tribunal (Section 409);

  • Adjudication of penalties (Section 454);

  • Secretarial Audit

    • Every listed company and (a) every public company having a paid-up share capital of 50 crore rupees or more; or (b) every public company having a turnover of 250 crore rupees or more shall annex a Secretarial Audit Report with its Board’s report given by company secretary in practice in Form No. MR-3;


Company Secretaries in Practice also render services in the following areas:

  1. Legal, Secretarial and Corporate Governance

  2. Corporate Restructuring

  3. Foreign Collaborations and Joint Ventures

  4. Arbitration and Conciliation

  5. Financial Management

  6. Project Planning

  7. Capital Market and Investor Relations

  8. Due Diligence

  9. Corporate Advisory Services

  10. SEBI Act, SCRA and regulations made there under Depositories Act, 1996

  11. Exim Policy etc.


Course Highlights:

  1. Start Preparation from 11th itself 

  2. No Entry Barrier – opportunity for every student

  3. Cost Effective

  4. Distance Learning – any where in the world

  5. 24x7 study through e-learning

  6. Flexibility in the schedules – Registration valid for 3 to 5 years.

  7. Excellent career opportunities for CS professional

  8. Position of Power and Prestige

  9. Offers Self Employment  and Job Opportunities

  10. Direct Access to Top Management / Board Room

  11. Good remuneration and growth opportunities

  12. Good career option for girls also.

  13. Opportunities across various sectors at all locations.

  14. Opportunities Abroad – MOU with ICSA, London

  15. Opportunity to pursue B.Com with Major in Corporate Affairs and Administration and M.Com in Business Policy and Corporate Governance from IGNOU.


New Syllabus For Executive And Professional Programmes


Business Environment and Entrepreneurship

Business Management, Ethics and Communication

Business Economics

Fundamentals of Accounting and Auditing

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